The Women's cell of this institution is reconstituted w.e.f 23.09.2019 :
Sl. No. |
Name |
Designation |
Position |
1 | Dr. Meenakshy K | Principal | (Ex-Officio) |
2 | Sri. Anil Babu | Administrative Assistant | (Ex-Officio) |
3 | Prof. Shamla B. | Associate Professor (ECE) | (Coordinator) |
4 | Prof. Sibily Joseph | Associate Professor (CSE) | Member |
5 | Dr. Vinitha Chellappan | Associate Professor (EEE) | Member |
6 | Prof. Sasinas Alias Haritha | Asst. Professor (IT) | Member |
7 | Prof. Nisha K K | Asst. Professor (Economics) | Member |
8 | Smt. Usha K. | Confidential Assistatnt | Member |
9 | Lady Vice Chairman | by Virtue of Post | Member |