College Union as per Chapter 6, Statute 3, Sub Statute (12) of the APJAKTU First Statutes 2020 has been reconstituted with the following members, w.e.f01-12-2023
Sl. no |
Name |
Class |
1 |
Chairman |
Shahabas Aman |
S7 ECE |
2 |
Sneha S U |
S7 CSE |
3 |
General Secretary |
Amal Sankar C N |
4 |
Arts CLUB Secretary |
Noel Thomas |
S5 CSE |
5 |
Magazine Editor |
S3 IT |
6 |
University Counsilor 1 |
Abdu Rouf A |
University Counsilor 2 |
Nidhin C |
S7 CSE |
7 |
PG Rep CSE |
Gowthami B |
8 |
PG Rep ME |
Arun K Narayanan |
9 |
UG Rep ME |
S5 ME |
10 |
UG Rep EEE |
Afthab O H |
S7 EEE |
11 |
UG Rep EC |
Amal T K |
S5 ECE |
12 |
UG Rep CS |
Muhammed Ali M A |
S5 CSE |
13 |
UG Rep IT |
Ali Aslah E P |
S7 IT |
14 |
UG Rep CE |
S5 CE |
15 |
Girls Rep |
Diya Betcy |
S7 CSE |
15 |
Girls Rep |
Femidha E M |
S7 CSE |
Sl. no |
Name of candidate |
Class |
1 |
Chairman |
Rakshith Sathish |
S7 CSE |
2 |
Vice Chairman |
Soumya Raj P |
S7 CSE |
3 |
Secretary |
A T Sabith Bin Salam |
S7 IT |
4 |
Joint secretary |
Aswini E S |
S5 ME |
5 |
Chief Student Editor |
Ajana E A |
S3 EEE |
6 |
University Counsilor 1 |
Rohith K |
S5 CSE |
University Counsilor 2 |
Mohammed Sajid Musaliar |
S7 IT |
7 |
Secretary – Fine Arts |
Ebnu Raphy |
S5 ME |
8 |
Genaral Captain |
Shijadmon K T |
S7 IT |
9 |
Association Secretary ME |
Arun Mohan |
S7 ME |
10 |
Association Secretary EEE |
Mohammed Ajmal V |
S3 EEE |
11 |
Association Secretary EC |
Gokuldas C H |
S7 ECE |
12 |
Association Secretary CS |
Akhil Madhav |
S7 CSE |
13 |
Association Secretary IT |
Faizal Mohammed S |
S7 IT |
14 |
Fourth Year Representative |
Jeswin Chacko P A |
S7 IT |
15 |
Third Year Representative |
Ajay Dev D |
S5 CSE |
16 |
Second year Representative |
Roy Antony |
S3 ME |
17 |
First Year Representative |
Adharsh B |
S1 ME |
18 |
P G Representative |
Pradeep T |
S3 M Tech |