The faculty and students are striving hard to pursue research-oriented academic work. The Center for Engineering Research and Development (CERD) and projects such as TEQIP provide ample support for these efforts. The R&D work in the institution is coordinated by Dr. K P Mohanan, Associate Professor (ECE) (CERD Coordinator). Some of the publications by the faculty and students are listed below:
1. Amal Babu, Manu.V.Nair, Sarath K S, Naseer C. TnT-CRF based Approach for POS Tagging”. In Proc. Of the NCAIET-2K15, SVNCE Mavelikara (also won the Best Paper Award).
2. Sruthi Sankar K P, Rajitha K, Naseer C. Classifying News Articles’; Headline Using Machnine Learning Approach. In Proc. National Conference on Advances in Engineering Techniques (NCAIET 2K15), at Sri Vellappally Natesan College of Engineering, Feb 20, 2015.
3. Sreerekha T V, Vidya P V, Dr. P C Reghuraj. Semantic Role Labeling Using Machine Learning Approach. In Proc. National Conference on Advances in Engineering Techniques (NCAIET 2K15), at Sri Vellappally Natesan College of Engineering, Feb 20, 2015.
International Conferences
1. Bindu Palakkal and Jibukumar M.G. Parity Aided Detection of SM- MIMO Systems. In Proc. IEEE INternational Conference TENCON -2014,Bangkok, Thailand (22-25 Oct 2014).
2. Abhay Mohan M.V, Jishnu Pavithran, K Lijo Osten, Jinumon A and C. P. Mrinalini. Simulation of Spectral Match and Spatial Non-Uniformity for LED solar simulator. 2014 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference – South Asia Satellite (GHTC-SAS), 26-27 September 2014.
International Journals
1. Sonu Varghese.K, Faisal K.K and Vinayachandran. K.K. Image security Using AES and f5 Algorithm. Institute of Research and Journal, IRAJ Research Forum(IRF),April 13,2014.
2. Krishnaprasad.P, Vibin PV and Vinayanchandran K.K Performance Evaluation of TCP over wireless Sensor Networks using NS-3. IRAJ Research Forum(IRF),April 13 2014.
3. V .S Sheeba, S. Swapna Kumar and M.N Nanda Kumar: Energy efficient MAC Protocol (D-MAC) for wireless sensor networks, Int.Journal of Computer Science, System Engineering and Information Technology, July-Dec 2010, PP 321-326.
International Journals
1.Selvakumar, A. and Mohanram, P.V. :Evaluation of Effective Thermal Conductivity For Mineral Cast Structural Materials Using Steady State And Transient Methods, Journal of Testing and Evaluation, Vol.41, No.4, pp.685-691, 2013.
2.Selvakumar, A., Ganesan, K. and Mohanram, P.V.: Dynamic analysis on fabricated mineral cast lathe bed, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B:Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Vol.227, No.2, pp.261-266, 2013. doi: 10.1177/0954405412467141.