Ref: Circular No. EA-2/9787/14/DTE Dt. 18/10/2024
As per reference cited the Internal Complaints Committee has been reconstituted with the following members w.e.f 25-10-2024.
Please forward complaints to complaint@gecskp.ac.in
Chairperson |
Dr Bindu P Palakkal |
Assoc. Prof. ECE |
9497128298 |
Coordinator |
Smt. Geetha B N |
Administrative Asst. |
9446105930 |
Members |
Dr. Rajesh P N |
AP Economics |
9846291490 |
Dr.Raji Nair V |
Asst. Prof.Phy. Edn. |
9400567564 |
Smt. Sajitha. M |
7012803189 |
Smt. Dhanya Kumari M R |
9446371638 |
Sri. R Rajesh |
Accounts Officer |
9446038486 |
External Members |
Smt. Sunitha Kumari |
PTA Exe. Member |
9846429277 |
Smt. Lini |
Ward Member |
9895708251 |
Dr. Vipin Das M V |
Counsellor |
9497352703 |
This committee will act as appex body which will monitor working of Anti-Ragging Committeee, Grievence Cell and Womens Cell .