(1) Awards / Prizes won
Reji Rehmath (II Yr M.Tech CSE) has secured II Place in Story Writing (Arabic) and III Place in Essay writing (Arabic) in the Calicut University A Zone Arts Festival at Palakkad.
Abhijith Mahipal M and Vishnu G Nath of II year CSE have won II Prize in the Technical Qiuz conducted during the National Level Techfest Pulmarious 2014, Sahrdaya College of Engineering Kodakara, 13 Oct 2014.
Nidhin M Mohan, II Yr CSE has won the I Prize in CODE SPRINT event at the Technical Festical GAMAYA conducted by NSS CE Palakkad, Sep 2014.
Robert Jesuraj, II Yr M.Tech (Computational Linguistics), Dept. of CSE is the Winner of the GARUDA CHALLENGE 2012-13 in the Student Category. Award was presented in PARCOMPTECH [National Conference on Parallel Computing Technologies] (organized by C-DAC) held on 22, 23 Feb 2013 at NIAS auditorium, Indian Institute of Science (IISc Banglore).
(2) Recognition to Student Projects
Two students projects (one each from CSE and ME departments) have been sanctioned assistance of Rs. 50000/- each by CERD Trivandrum. Dr P.C. Reghu Raj and Dr A Selvakumar are the Principal investigators respectively.
IEEE Standards Education Committee has sanctioned a grant of USD 500 to the students project “LED Solar Simulator”of IIIrd year ECE by K Lijo, Jishnu Pavithran, Abhay Mohan and Jinumon.
K Lijo, Jishnu Pavithran, Abhay Mohan and Jinumon (2014 ECE) published a paper entitled “Simulation of Spectral Match and Spatial Non-Uniformity for LED solar simulator” in the 2014 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference – South Asia Satellite (GHTC-SAS) on 27.09.2014 (with Prof. C.P. Mrinalini).
A student project entitled “An Ultrasonic Dog Repellent” submitted by Sreeraj and team (2011 ECE) has been selected for funding from the Centre for Engineering Research and Development(CERD), Trivandrum (Guide: Smt. Bindu palakkal).
A student project entitled “Mains power conditioner using DSP” designed by 2010 ECE students appeared in the July 2010 issue of Vyavasayakeralam Magazine published by the DSept. of Industries, Govt. of Kerala (Guide: Sri. Job Chunkath).
A student project entitled “SANJEEVANI: Hospital Management System” designed by 2010 CSE students, led by R. Harikrishnan, appeared in the July 2010 issue of Vyavasayakeralam Magazine published by the Sept. of Industries, Govt. of Kerala (Guide: Sri. Sijo S Vadakkan).
(3) Student Paper Publications:
Vinuraj R., Sony Davis., Bijeesh V., Jand unil Jacob of 2012 CSE) published a paper entitled “Development of a fuzzy logic based software for automation of a single pool irrigation canal” in the Int. Conf. on Computational Intelligence and Engineering Applications’ (ICCIEA-2011) at Bhubaneswar (16 Oct 2011) (with Dr R Gopakumar, and Reena Nair). The paper was presented by Robert Jesuraj (I. MTech, CSE) and was adjudged the Best Content paper.
The above paper was also adapted to the International Journal of Computer and Communication Technology, Vol. 2, Issue 8, pp.38-44, 2011.
Praveen V, Neeraj R, Dayanand V, and Ajith T. S, 2011 CSE. Analysis of On-chip Interconnect Delay for 65nm and beyond, accepted for presentation in the Int. Conference ICRIT-11, RIT Kottayam, Feb 2011 (with Dr.K. Najeeb)
Jayan and Jyothish, 2010 CSE. “SMOIR: Scalable Multipurpose Ontology-based Information Retrieval System”, in the International Conference on Information Science And Applications (ICISA 2010) 6th February, 2010, Panimalar Engineering College, Chennai, Feb 6, 2010. (Won the Best Paper Award) (with Dr. K. Najeeb)
Arun A M, Robert Jesuraj, and Santhosh Kumar, 2010 CSE. “Open Source Framework for Verification of Computer Architectural features using CSP”. In Proc. Int. Conference on Embedded Systems (ICES 2010, Bangalore) (with Dr.K. Najeeb)
John Paul, and Elson Paul, 2010 CSE. “GAP: Genetic Algorithm-based Power estimation technique for Behavioral Circuit”s. In Proc. Int. Conference on Computers, Communications and Intelligence- ICCCI’10 (with Dr.K.Najeeb )
Athira R, Gigi G, and Soumya T (2009 CSE) published a paper titled “Apriori Estimation and extraction of Digital Circuit Features” in the National Conference on RTC, New Horizon College of Engg, Bangalore(NCRTC-09), Apr 24-25(with Dr.K.Najeeb).