Dr.K. Najeeb delivered an invited talk on Python Programming for the staff of Mercy College, Palakkad on Aug-2011.
C. Raseek delivered an invited talk on the topic Introduction Computer Networks, Operating System and ApplicationSoftware, during the 3- day training programme for college teachers in general informatics at NSS College, Ottapalam on 18-8-2011.
P. Ezudheen delivered an invited talk on the topic Introduction Computer Networks, Operating System and ApplicationSoftware, during the 3- day training programme for college teachers in general informatics at NSS College, Ottapalam on 17-8-2011.
Dr. P.C. Reghu Raj delivered a talk on Computational Linguistics: A Gentle Introduction (Inaugural Speech-MCA Association)at Nehru College of Engg and Research Centre, Pambady, Aug 2011.
Dr. K. Najeeb delivered an invited lecture on Python Programming and Perl for BTech CSE students of Nehru Institute ofEngineering, Coimbatore on 21 Mar 2011.
Dr. K. Najeeb handled one day workshop on Python Programming for MSc students at Sree Vyasa NSS College of Engineering,Vadakkanchery on 23 Mar 2011.
Dr. P.C. Reghu Raj delivered an invited talk on Information Retrieval: Models, Issues, and Trends in the National Seminar on Computational Linguistics and Information Retrieval organized by the Dept. of CSE, Vedavyasa Institute of Technology, Karad, Malappuram on 13-12-2011.
Dr.K. Najeeb delivered the Keynote address of the Reseacrh symposium on Pervasive Computing and its Underlying Technologies (ReSym-2011)h on the topic ” Modern Trends in VLSI Design and Open Source Support’, held at Velmmal Engg. College, Chennai during 15-16, Sept. 2011.
Dr. P.C. Reghu Raj delivered an invited talk on Computational Linguistics: A Gentle Introduction in the MCA Dept, Nehru College of Engg., Pambady on 26-8-2011.
Dr.K. Najeeb delivered an invited talk on Python Programming for the staff of Mercy College, Palakkad on Aug-2011.
C. Raseek delivered an invited talk on the topic Introduction Computer Networks, Operating System and Application Software, during the 3- day training programme for college teachers in general informatics at NSS College, Ottapalam on 18-8-2011.
P. Ezudheen delivered an invited talk on the topic Introduction Computer Networks, Operating System and Application Software, during the 3- day training programme for college teachers in general informatics at NSS College, Ottapalam on 17-8-2011.
Dr.K. Najeeb delivered an invited talk on the current IT Scenario for the staff of Canara Bank, Sreekrishnapuram on 8-7-2011.
Dr. K. Najeeb delivered an invited lecture on Python Programming and Perl for BTech CSE students of Nehru Institute of Engineering, Coimbatore on 21 Mar 2011.
Dr. K. Najeeb handled one day workshop on Python Programming for MSc students at Sree Vyasa NSS College of Engineering, Vadakkanchery on 23 Mar 2011.
Dr. P.C. Reghu Raj, Professor(CSE) gave a lecture on Technology for Development:Current Trends (Keynote Address), National Conference at Carmel College,Mala, Thrissur,Nov 2009.
Dr. P.C. Reghu Raj, Professor(CSE) gave a lecture on Trends in Information Retrieval (Keynote Address), Dhruva 2004. Joint Technical Symposium of IETE Palakkad Chapter and IEEE NSS College of Engineering, Palakkad, 2005.
Dr. P.C. Reghu Raj, Professor(CSE) gave a lecture on Introduction to Information Retrieval (Inaugural speech), Computer Association, VTB College, Sreekrishnapuram, 2004.
Dr P.C. Reghu Raj delivered a talk on “Digital India: eGovernance and Citizen-centric Services on 3-7-2015 at District Collectorate, Palakkad as part of Digital India week.
Publications (for latest list of publications, please visit the RESEARCH page)
Sreetha S, Raveena R Kumar, Anagha M, and P.C Reghu Raj. Fuzzy Logic Based Hybrid Approach for Sentiment Analysis of Malayalam Movie Reviews. IEEE SPICES 2015, 19-21 February 2015 at National Institute of Technology (NIT Calicut (Accepted).
Alen Jacob, Amal Babu, and P.C Reghu Raj. TnT Tagger with Fuzzy Rule Based Learning. IEEE SPICES 2015, 19-21 February 2015 at National Institute of Technology (NIT Calicut).
Sincy V. Thambi, Sreekumar K. T, Santhosh Kumar C and Reghu Raj P. C.: Random forest algorithm for improving the performance of speech/non-speech detection. ICCSC-2014, LBS CE Trivandrum, Dec 18-19, 2014.
Abitha Anto, Sreekumar K. T., Santhosh Kumar C and Reghu Raj P. C.: Towards Improving the Performance of Language Identification System for Indian Languages. ICCSC-2014, LBS CE Trivandrum, Dec 18-19, 2014.
Neethu Johnson, Kuruvachan K George, Santhosh Kumar C and Reghu Raj P C. : Towards improving the performance of speaker recognition systems. ICCSC-2014, LBS CE Trivandrum, Dec 18-19, 2014.
Athira S, Lekshmi TS, Rajeev RR and Reghu Raj PC. Pronominal Anaphora Resolution using Salience Score for Malayalam. ICCSC-2014, LBS CE Trivandrum, Dec 18-19, 2014.
Deepa CA and P.C Reghu Raj. Extractive News Summarization System using Fuzzy Graph Based Document Models. DLINE journal.
Mujeeb Rehman O, P. C. Reghu Raj. Malayalam Wordnet: A Relational Database Approach. International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJLTET), Vol. 3 Issue2 November 2013.
Ayisha Noori V. K, P. C. Reghu Raj. Extraction of Disease Relationship from Medical Records: Vector Based Approach. International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJLTET), Vol. 3 Issue2 November 2013.
Rinju O.R., Rajeev R. R., Reghu Raj P.C., Elizabeth Sherly. Morphological Analyzer For Malayalam: Probabilistic Vs Rule Based Method. International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJLTET), Vol 2 Issue 10 October 2013
Sreejith C, Indu M, and P.C. Reghu Raj. N-gram based Algorithm for distinguishing between Hindi and Sanskrit texts. The IEEE International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies – ICCCNT 2013. 4-6 July 2013, Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women, Tiruchengode, Namakkal District, Tamil Nadu, INDIA.
P.C. Reghu Raj and S. Divya. News Summarization Based on Sentence Clustering and Sentence Ranking. Presented in the International Conference of Mathematical Modelling in Computer, Management and Medical Sciences 2013 (ICMCMM 2013), Mar Athanasios College For Advanced Studies, Tiruvalla. June 13-15, 2013.
Dr R Gopakumar, and Reena Nair published a paper entitled “Development of a fuzzy logic based software for automation of a single pool irrigation canal” in the Int. Conf. on Computational Intelligence and Engineering Applications’ (ICCIEA-2011) at Bhubaneswar (16 Oct 2011) (with Vinuraj R., Sony Davis., Bijeesh V., Jand unil Jacob of 2012 CSE). The paper was presented by Robert Jesuraj (I. MTech, CSE) and was adjudged the Best Content paper.The above paper was also adapted to the International Journal of Computer and Communication Technology, Vol. 2, Issue 8, pp.38-44, 2011
Dr. K. Najeeb: PASE: Framework for Power Aware Scheduling in Cloud: Communicated to the IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks (COMSETS 2011), Bangalore (with Ranjith K, Sriram K.V, Jijo Johnson and Rahul , 2011 CSE).
Bindu Palakkal: CMOS Wideband Low Noise Amplifier with Current Reuse and Noise Cancellation, in Proc. Int. Conference on Communication and Signal Processing, Feb 2011, NIT Calicut (with Dr. P.C. Subramanian)Job Chungath: Enhancing Communication System Efficiency by Wavelet Implementation, in Proc. Int. Conference on Communication and Signal Processing, Feb 2011, NIT Calicut (with Dr. B. Shankarananda)
Dr.K. Najeeb: Analysis of On-chip Interconnect Delay for 65nm and beyond. Int. Conference ICRIT-11, RIT Kottayam, Feb 2011 (with Praveen V, Neeraj R, Dayanand V, and Ajith T. S, 2011 CSE)
Dr. K. Najeeb, “SMOIR: Scalable Multipurpose Ontology-based Information Retrieval System”, in the International Conference on Information Science And Applications (ICISA 2010) 6th February, 2010, Panimalar Engineering College, Chennai, Feb 6, 2010. (Won the Best Paper Award) (with Jayan and Jyothish, 2010 CSE)
Dr. K. Najeeb: Open Source Framework for Verification of Computer Architectural features using CSP. In Proc. Ont. Conference on Embedded Systems (ICES 2010, Bangalore) (with Arun A M, Robert Jesuraj, and Santhosh Kumar, 2010 CSE)
Dr.K.Najeeb: GAP: Genetic Algorithm-based Power estimation technique for Behavioral Circuits. In Proc. Int. Conference on Computers, Communications and Intelligence- ICCCI’10 (with John Paul, and Elson Paul, 2010 CSE)
Dr. K. Najeeb: Apriori Estimation of Digital Circuit Parameter, National Conference NCRTSC-09, New Horizon College of Engg, Bangalore, Apr 24-25,2009 (with Athira R, Soumya TR, G.Giji, 2009 CSE)
Asha Prasad: Detection of adulteration in Honey Long Period Fiber Grating Technology. International conference on Sensors and Related Network (SENNET-09), VIT University,Vellore, Dec 09 (with Jinesh Mathew and Dr.P.Radhakrishnan).
A. Selvakumar: Experimental Analysis of Thermal Dispersion. National Conference NCRIT-09, RIT Kottayam, 26-28,Mar 09.
Job Chunkath: Achieving higher datarates and allocation density using Wavelets. National Conference NCRIT-09, RIT Kottayam, 26-28 Mar 09 (with Dr.B. Shankarananda).
Dr. R. Gopakumar: A fuzzy logic based dynamic wave model inversion algorithm for canal regulation Hydrological Processes. Volume 23, Issue 12, Date: 15 June 2009,Pages: 1739-1752(with P. P. Mujumdar, et.al)
Dr. R. Gopakumar: A fuzzy dynamic Flood routing model for natural channels Hydrological Processes. Volume 23, Issue 12, Date: 15 June 2009, Pages: 1753-1767(with P. P.Mujumdar, et.al).
A.R. Jayan, Asst. Professor(ECE). Detection of stop land-marks using Gaussian mixture modeling of speech spectrum. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2009), Taipei, Taiwan, April, pp. 4681-4684. (with P.C. Pandey, et.al)
Dr. V.S. Sheeba: Adaptive loading with Principal Component Filter Banks in MIMO Multicarrier Modulation system. Int J. of Signal and Imaging Systems Engineering Vol 2, No:1,2009, pp81- 87 (with Elizabeth Elias).
Dr. V.S. Sheeba: Blind data hiding in integer wavelet transform domain. International conference on Simulation and Modeling AMSE 09, Dec 2009 (with Sudeep P V and K A Navas).
Dr. V.S. Sheeba: A Novel Datahiding method in spatial domain. National conference on Technological Trends NCTT 09, November 09 (with Sudeep P V and K A Navas).
R. Gopakumar, Sr.Lecturer(Civil Engg) obtains PhD from Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
Asha Prasad (Lecturer, ECE) presented a paper titled “Detection of adulteration in honey Long Period fiber grating Technology”, in the International conference on Sensors and Related Network (SENNET-09), VIT University,Vellore,710 Dec 09 (with Jinesh Mathew and Dr.P.Radhakrishnan).
Dr.K. Najeeb(AP, CSE) published a paper titled “Apriori Estimation and extraction of Digital Circuit Features” in the National Conference on RTC, New Horizon College of Engg, Bangalore(NCRTC-09), Apr 24-25(with Athira R, Gigi G, Soumya T , Final year CSE)
Reena Pilakkat (AP,ECE) published a paper titled “Cross Layer Design for Congestion Control in UWB Based Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Sensor Networks, 2009 Vo.5 (with Lillykutty Jacob).
A. Selvakumar, Lecturer(Mech.Engg) presented a paper titled ” Experimental Analysis of Thermal Dispersion” in the National Conference NCRIT-09 at RIT Kottayam, 26-28,Mar 09.
Job Chunkath, Lecturer(Ele.& Commn.Engg) presented a paper titled “Achieving higher datarates and allocation density using Wavelets”, in the National Conference NCRIT-09 at RIT Kottayam, 26-28 Mar 09.
Job Chunkath, Lecturer(Ele.& Commn.Engg) published a paper titled “Improvong Performance Parameters in Digital Communication”, in the International Conference on Recent Advances in Communication Engineering(RACE 08) at Usmania University, Hyderabad, Dec 2008.
P.G. Dileepkumar, Lecturer (Civil Engg) secures II Rank in M.Tech(Structural Engg)-July 2008, VTU Karnataka.
Reena Nair, Lecturer (Computer Sc&Engg) won the Best Project Award of Dept. of CSE, IIT Madras(2007-08)
Dr K. Najeeb, Asst.Professor (Computer Sc&Engg) published a paper titled “Controllability-driven Power Virus Generation for Digital Circuits” in VLSI Design 2007: 407-412 (with V. Kamakoti et.al)
K. Najeeb, Asst.Professor (Computer Sc&Engg) published a paper titled “Power Virus Generation Using Behavioral Models of Circuits”, in VTS 2007: 35-42 (with V. Kamakoti et.al)
K. Najeeb, Asst.Professor (Computer Sc&Engg) published a paper titled “Delay and peak power minimization for on-chip buses using temporal redundancy” in ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2006: 119-122 (with V.Kamakoti et.al)
K. Najeeb, Asst.Professor (Computer Sc&Engg) published a paper titled “Temporal Redundancy Based Encoding Technique for Peak Power and Delay Reduction of On-Chip Buses” in Intl.J. Low Power Electronics 2(3): 425-436 (2006) (with V.Kamakoti, et.al)
Dr. P. C. Reghu Raj, Professor(Computer Sc&Engg) published a paper titled “A Phrase Grammar-Based Conceptual Indexing Paradigm” in the International Journal of Applied Artificial Intelligence, Taylor&Francis, 19(6):559-599 (2005) (with S. Raman)
P.C. Reghu Raj , Professor(Computer Sc&Engg) won the Nedumpally Memorial Award for the best poem in 2002, Kavanakauthukam Magazine