+91 466 2260565 | NO:32AAAGG0757K1ZK  

Research and Development

Publications by faculty and students (2019 – 22)

The number of publications by faculty increased in last three years. The number of scholarly journal articles published in SCI/SCIE indexed, Scopus indexed journals and refereed journals and conferences each year is growing as shown below.

  1. Aswathy M.R., P.C. Reghu Raj, and Ajeesh Ramanujan. Effectiveness of Fuzzy Graph Based Document Model. KSII TRANSACTIONS ON INTERNET AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS VOL. 18, NO. 8, pp. 2178-2198, 2024. DOI:10.3837/tiis.2024.08.007. (eISSN: 1976-7277) (available at https: // digital-library/ 101095). Aug 2024.
  2. Anuja K, Reghu Raj P. C., & RemeshBabu K. R. (2024). Emotion Detection System for Malayalam Text using Deep Learning and Transformers. ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing (TALLIP), 1-19. DOI: 10.1145/3663475 [SCIE Indexed]
  3. Rahmath K, R., Reghu Raj, P. C., & PC, R. (2022). Malayalam Question Answering System Using Deep Learning Approaches. IETE Journal of Research, 1-13. DOI: 10.1080/03772063.2022.2077846 [SCIE Indexed]
  4. Thambi, S. V., &ReghuRaj, P. C. (2022, February). Towards Improving the Performance of Question Answering System using Knowledge Graph-A Survey. In 2022 Second International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Energy (ICAIS) (pp. 672-679). IEEE. [Scopus Indexed]
  5. Thambi, S. V., &ReghuRaj, P. C. (2022, March). Graph Based Document Model and its Application in Keyphrase Extraction. In 2022 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Informatics, Communication and Energy Systems (SPICES) (Vol. 1, pp. 92-98). IEEE. [Scopus Indexed]
  6. Panchami, V. U., & Manish, T. I. (2021, June). Bladder Cancer Prediction Using Genetic Algorithm and Fuzzy Rule-Based System. In 2021 International Conference on Communication, Control and Information Sciences (ICCISc) (Vol. 1, pp. 1-6). IEEE. [Scopus Indexed]
  7. RejiRahmath K, P.C Reghu Raj, and Rafeeque P.C. Pre-trained Word Embeddings for Malayalam Language: A Review . In Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Systems (ICAIS-2021), 25-27 Mar 2021, JCT College of Engg, Coimbatore. [Scopus Indexed]
  8. Chakraborty, D., Chandran, L. S., Padinhatteeri, S., & Pillai, R. R. (2021, July). Algorithms and Complexity of s-Club Cluster Vertex Deletion. In International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms (pp. 152-164). Springer, Cham.
  9. Chandran, L. S., Das, S. K., Hell, P., Padinhatteeri, S., & Pillai, R. R. (2021, February). Template-Driven Rainbow Coloring of Proper Interval Graphs. In Conference on Algorithms and Discrete Applied Mathematics (pp. 452-470). Springer, Cham.
  10. Amrutha C and Jayasree M (2019). Profile summarization from semantic data using deep neural network model. In International Conference on Systems, Energy and Environment (ICSEE 2019) Kannur
  11. Anisha T S, Rafeeque P C and Reena Murali(2019). Text to SQL Query Conversion Using Deep Learning: A Comparative Analysis. In International Conference on Systems, Energy and Environment (ICSEE 2019) Kannur
  12. Aswathy K S, Rafeeque P C and Reena Murali (2019). Deep Learning Approach for the Detection of Depression in Twitter. In International Conference on Systems, Energy and Environment (ICSEE 2019) Kannur
  13. Bhavya K, Rafeeque P C and Reena Murali (2019). Automatic Text Summarizing System using Reinforcement Learning Technique. In International Conference on Systems, Energy and Environment (ICSEE 2019) Kannur
  14. FahmaBakkar K A, Rafeeque P C and Reena Murali (2019). Alias Identification from Narratives for Question Answering. In International Conference on Systems, Energy and Environment (ICSEE 2019) Kannur
  15. Lakshmi K and Raseek C (2019). An approach towards Question Answering using Apposite Context. In International Conference on Systems, Energy and Environment (ICSEE 2019) Kannur
  16. Muhammed Shameem K and Irshad M (2019). Automatic Hybrid Mathematical Word Problem Solver. In international Conference on Systems, Energy and Environment (ICSEE 2019) Kannur
  17. Muhsina V P and Naseer C (2019). Domain Specific Publication Recommendation using Deep Learning Approach. In International Conference on Systems, Energy and Environment (ICSEE 2019) Kannur
  18. Pavithra C P and Shibily Joseph(2019). Presented paper titled Deep Learning Approach For Rumor Detection In Twitter : A Comparative Analysis. In International Conference on Systems, Energy and Environment (ICSEE 2019) Kannur
  19. Pradeep T, Rafeeque P C and Reena Murali (2019). Natural Language to NoSQL Query Conversion using Deep Learning. In International Conference on Systems, Energy and Environment (ICSEE 2019) Kannur
  20. Resmi P and Naseer C (2019). A Deep Learning Approach for Polite Dialogue Response Generation. In International Conference on Systems, Energy and Environment (ICSEE 2019) Kannur
  21. Sandeep Nithyanandan and Raseek C (2019). Deep learning Models for Word Sense Disambiguation: A Comparative Study. In International Conference on Systems, Energy and Environment (ICSEE 2019) Kannur

  1. Swapna, G., & Soman, K. P. (2021). Diabetes Detection and Sensor-Based
  2. Continuous Glucose Monitoring–A Deep Learning Approach. In Efficient Data Handling for Massive Internet of Medical Things (pp. 245-268). Springer,Cham.[Scopus Indexed]
  3. Swapna, G., Soman, K. P., &Vinayakumar, R. (2020). Diabetes detection using ecg signals: An overview. Deep Learning Techniques for Biomedical and Health Informatics, 299-327. [Scopus Indexed]
  4. VR Swapna G, Soman KP (2020),Automated Detection of Atrial Fibrillation using Deep Learning Techniques International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation 24 (10), 1659-1670 [Scopus Indexed]
  5. Shamla, B., & Amrutha, T. R. (2021, March). Performance of massive MIMO systems in cognitive spectrum sensing. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1817, No. 1, p. 012001). IOP Publishing.[Scopus Indexed]
  6. Badarudeena, S. (2022). Performance of antenna selection schemes for massive multiple-input multiple-output systems under Non-orthogonal multiple access cooperative communication. Indian Journal of Radio & Space Physics (IJRSP), 50(1), 46-50.[Scopus Indexed]
  7. K Manohar ., Jayan A.R., Rajan R. (2020) Quantitative Analysis of the Morphological Complexity of Malayalam Language. In: Sojka P., Kopeček I., Pala K., Horák A. (eds) Text, Speech, and Dialogue. TSD 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12284. Springer, Cham. [Scopus Indexed]
  8. Chithira P. R and Vinita Vasudevan, Potential Critical Path Selection Based on a Time-Varying Statistical Timing Analysis Framework, IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems, Vol 27, No. 6, June 2019, pp. 1438 - 1449 [SCI Indexed]
  9. Jaishankar, B., Anitha, R., Shadrach, F. D., Sivarathinabala, M., & Balamurugan, V. .Music Genre Classification Using African Buffalo Optimization. COMPUTER SYSTEMS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, [SCIE Indexed]
  10. Shadrach, F. D., Kandasamy, G., & Raghunathan, A. (2022). Classification of leaf diseases using modified genetic algorithm and normalized sum square deviation. DYNA-Ingeniería e Industria, 97(3).[SCIE Indexed]
  11. Jai Shankar, B., Murugan, K., Obulesu, A., Finney Daniel Shadrach, S., &Anitha, R. (2021). MRI image segmentation using bat optimization algorithm with fuzzy c means (BOA-FCM) clustering. Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, 11(3), 661-666.). [SCIE Indexed]
  12. Enireddy, V., Anitha, R., Vallinayagam, S., Maridurai, T., Sathish, T., & Balakrishnan, E. (2021). Prediction of human diseases using optimized clustering techniques. Materials Today: Proceedings, 46, 4258-4264.[Scopus Indexed]
  13. Shadrach, F. D., Kandasamy, G., & Raghunathan, A. (2021). Anomaly Detection in Vitis Vinifera Using Neural Networks and Radon Transform. In Advances in Electrical and Computer Technologies (pp. 707-717). Springer, Singapore.[Scopus Indexed]
  14. Anitha, R., Gunavathi, K., & Shadrach, F. D. (2020, December). Investigation on the musical features of carnatic ragas using neutrosophic logic. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1706, No. 1, p. 012051). IOP Publishing.[Scopus Indexed]
  15. Devi D, Shafeeq K, Tom Jose, Uma P U, Anitha R, "Traffic rule violation detection system using machine learning and image processing techniques" on AICTE sponsored 2 day National on Innovations in Communication Networks, Information Security, Embedded Systems and Signal Processing held at Vidya Academy of Science and Technology, Thrissur on 27 & 28 August 2020
  16. Aswathi G R, Anjana R, Arjun R, Aswathy K K, Anitha R, “Electa - The Automated Polling Process Management System” in the National Conference On Current & Emerging Technologies Conducted By Jawaharlal College Of Engineering & Technology from 25-27, July 2022
  17. R Jayadevan, Dr. V S Sheeba, A Semantic Image Retrieval Technique Through Concept Co-occurrence Based Database Organization and DeepLab Segmentation, Journal of Computer Science, February 2020, Volume 16, Issue 1, Pages 56-71, Science Publications, 11/01/2020, DOI : 10.3844/jcssp.2020.56.71 [Scopus indexed]
  18. Jayadevan, R., Nair, V. S., Nandini, N., Rajeesh, P., & Vishnu, P. I. (2020, April). EOG based smart communication system. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2222, No. 1, p. 030026). AIP Publishing LLC.
  19. J V Sarath and BinduP(Palakkal) Design and Analysis of DRA based Antenna for FPV Applications- 2021 IEEE Second International Conference on Control, Measurement and Instrumentation (CMI)- Kolkata January -2021 DOI: 10.1109/CMI50323.2021.9362865
  20. Biju Karunnya J V Sarath Rani Laila & Bindu P. Plalakkal Review of antennas used inFPV/WLAN applications - ACTA TechnicaCorviniencis- Bulletin of Engineering- Tome -XIV-2021- January- March
  21. Sheela, V. K., Nedumaran, A., Saraswathi, P. V., &Karthika, P. (2021, February). Performance Analysis of Stego-Image Security in Machine Learning. In 2021 Third International Conference on Intelligent Communication Technologies and Virtual Mobile Networks (ICICV) (pp. 676-678). IEEE. [Scopus Indexed]
  22. Tummalapalli, G., Yuvaraj, D., Jaganathan, S., & Sheela, V. K. (2022, May). Robust copyright protection scheme for digital images using DCT and compressed sensing techniques. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2393, No. 1, p. 020091). AIP Publishing LLC.
  23. Archana M, Akshara S, Adithya J, Athira M J, Vishnuprasad K (2022). An Automated Face Mask Detection and Temperature Scanning with Fingerprint Attendance System. In International Conference on Intelligent Innovations in Engineering and Technology, Coimbatotre

  1. Sreekumar, A., & Jiji, K. S. (2021, May). A Survey of DC-DC Converters for Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Applications. In 2021 2nd International Conference for Emerging Technology (INCET) (pp. 1-5). IEEE. [Scopus Indexed]
  2. Peter, J., &Ramchand, R. (2021). Space vector PWM‐based current error boundary investigations for three‐level VSI fed induction motor drive. International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, 31(12), e13228. [SCIE Indexed]
  3. Baiju, V., Asif Sha, A., Sajid, N. M., &MuhammedaliShafeeque, K. (2022). Simulation and performance study of a two-bed adsorption cooling system operated with activated carbon-ethanol. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 236(7), 3804-3817. [SCI Indexed]
  4. Shaima, E. K., Sajeev, N., &Kormath, S. A. A. (2022, February). A New H-bridge Switched Capacitor Based Five Level Inverter. In 2022 IEEE Delhi Section Conference (DELCON) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.[Scopus Indexed]
  5. Anjana Narayanan, Athulya P C, Rahmath T A, Vismaya A, Stella Kurian, Vinita Chellappan (2022). SRM Motor Control using Conventional and Full- Order-Terminal SMC Controller. In 2nd ASIANCON 2022 Technically Co-Sponsored by IEEE Bombay Section, Pune, India.[Scopus Indexed]
  6. Jeslin Joy, Alpha M M, Anupama V M, Muhammed Sabeel P, Vinita Chellappan. Dynamic Modeling and Current Control of a Solar powered Battery Storage System. In 2nd ASIANCON 2022 Technically Co-Sponsored by IEEE Bombay Section, Pune, India [Scopus Indexed]
  7. Sagar Suresh, Joseph Peter, Vinita Chellappan. (2022, July) Mathematical Modeling and Speed Control of 6/4 Switched Reluctance Motor Drive. In IEEE International Conference on Futuristic Technologies in Control System & Renewable Energy – ICFCR 2022, Kuttippuram, Malappuram, Kerala, India. . [Scopus Indexed]
  8. Anees A, Aslam V K, Drishya K, Rasmi K R, Sulaiman P M, Vinita Chellappan, Joseph Peter. Isolated Boost Converter and Inverter System for Domestic Applications. In IEEE International Conference on Futuristic Technologies in Control System & Renewable Energy – ICFCR 2022, Kuttippuram, Malappuram, Kerala, India. [Scopus Indexed]
  9. Saleem, A., &Lisy, E. R. (2022). Three Dimensional Nonlinear Guidance Law for Exact Impact Time Control. IEEE Access, 10, 67350-67362. [SCIE Indexed]
  10. Kurian, S., & Nisha, G. K. (2022). Torque Ripple Minimization of SRM Using Sliding-Mode Current Controller and Torque-Sharing Function. In Power Electronics and High Voltage in Smart Grid (pp. 339-351). Springer, Singapore..[Scopus indexed]
  11. Kormath, S. A. A., Shafeeque, K. M., & Ajmal, K. T. (2020, July). Non-Isolated Five Switch CCM Boost Inverter. In 2020 International Conference on Electronics and Sustainable Communication Systems (ICESC) (pp. 1056-1061). IEEE. [Scopus Indexed]
  12. Salma, K., Shafeeque, K. M., & Ajmal, K. T. (2020, November). Non-Isolated DCM/DCD Operated Step-Up Inverter Derived Novel CCM Operated Five Switch Step-Up/Down Inverter for Renewable Energy Applications. In 2020 International Conference on Power Electronics and Renewable Energy Applications (PEREA) (pp. 1-6). IEEE. [Scopus Indexed]
  13. Srivastava, S., Chattopadhyay, O., Athikkal, S., Majumdar, I., & Peter, J. (2020). A Non Isolated High Gain DC-DC Converter for DC Microgrid Application. International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology, 11(2).
  14. RG, A. S., Jiji, K. S., Chandran, D., &Abhiram, A. (2020, November). A lead-acid battery charger using modified bridgelessconfiguration of SEPIC PFC converter. In 2020 23rd International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS) (pp. 1769-1774). IEEE. [Scopus Indexed]
  15. Sasi, D. K., & Jiji, K. S. (2020, September). Interleaved Bidirectional DC/DC Converter Topologies for Solar based Standalone Distributed Generation Systems. In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Power Systems Technology (POWERCON) (pp. 1-6). IEEE. [Scopus Indexed]
  16. Sasi, D. K., & Jiji, K. S. (2020, September). Interleaved Bidirectional DC/DC Converter Topologies for Solar based Standalone Distributed Generation Systems. In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Power Systems Technology (POWERCON) (pp. 1-6). IEEE. [Scopus Indexed]

  1. Remesh Babu K R, Preetha K G, Saritha S, and Rinil K R. 2021. An Energy Efficient Intelligent Method for Sensor Node Selection to Improve the Data Reliability in Internet of Things Networks. KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, 15, 9, (2021), 3151-3168. DOI: 10.3837/tiis.2021.09.004. [SCIE Indexed]
  2. Remesh Babu K R, Preetha K G, Saritha S, and Rinil K R. 2022. Virtual Modelling and Analysis of Manual Material HandlingActivities among Warehouse Workers in Construction Industry. WORK: A Journal of Prevention,Assessment& Rehabilitation, [Accepted][SCIE Indexed]
  3. Preetha, K. G., Antony, S. K., KR, R. B., Saritha, S., & Sangeetha, U. (2022). Design and Implementation of an Augmented Reality Mobile Application for navigating ATM counters (AR-ATM). Industrial Robot: the international journal of robotics research and application [SCIE Indexed]
  4. Sajitha, M., Kavitha, D., & Reddy, P. C. (2022). An optimized whale-based replication node prediction in wireless sensor network. Wireless Networks, 1-17. [SCI Indexed]
  5. Sajitha, M. (2022). LCLS: A method for detecting clone nodes in Heterogeneous WSN. International Conference on Network Control, Computing, Communication with cyber security and Real time implementation of Physical System
  6. Simi, M. R., Bindhu, B. K., Varghese, A., & Rani, M. R. (2022). Optimization of DRASTICA vulnerability assessment model by Wilcoxon rank sum non parametrical statistical test. Materials Today: Proceedings, 58, 121-127. [Scopus Indexed]
  7. Simi, M. R., Bindhu, B. K., AbinVarghesec, D., & Rani, M. R (2022, March). Ground water vulnerability assessment of kodoor river basin by integrated drastic method. YMER, 21(3) [Scopus Indexed]
  8. Sangeetha, U., & Babu, A. V. (2021). Service differentiation in IEEE 802.11 ah WLAN under restricted access window based MAC protocol. Computer Communications, 172, 142-154. [SCI indexed]
  9. Sangeeth LR, S., Mathew, S. K., &Potdar, V. (2020). Information Processing view of Electricity Demand Response Systems: A Comparative Study Between India and Australia. Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 12(4), 2. [Scopus indexed]
  10. Thayyil, S. B., Yadav, S. K., Polthier, K., &Muthuganapathy, R. (2021). Local Delaunay-based high fidelity surface reconstruction from 3D point sets. Computer Aided Geometric Design, 86, 101973. [SCI Indexed]
  11. Babu, K. R., & Madhu, K. P. (2021). Intelligent Secure Storage Mechanism for Big Data. Webology, 18(SI01), 246-261. [Scopus indexed]
  12. DivyaVisakh, Dr. Reena Murali, Dr. Ramesh Babu K R (2021, June) A Content Transfer Approach: Rule based Table to Text Generation, IJIRSET, Vol 10, Issue 6DOI:10.15680/IJIRSET.2021.1006373.
  13. Philip, G., Rani, M. R., &Subashini, R. (2020, June). On computing the Hamiltonian index of graphs. In International Computer Science Symposium in Russia (pp. 341-353). Springer, Cham.[Scopus indexed]
  14. Saikrishnan C., ShreeramUnni, Anagha V., Vrinda T.K., SilpaSangeeth L R (2021). Image to Image Translation in Video Call using Residual Based StyleGAN Encoder. In International Conference on Micro-electronics, Signals and Systems
  15. Aparna Thomas,Syam Mohan,Vishak M.B.,FarseenaSirin, Ebey S Raj (2021). SafePass-AnAutomaticContactlessEntryControlSystem. InInternationalconference on International Conference on EmergingTrendsinEngineeringKozhikode
  16. Remesh Babu, K. R., & Samuel, P. (2019). Service‐level agreement–aware scheduling and load balancing of tasks in cloud. Software: Practice and Experience, 49(6), 995-1012. [SCI indexed]
  17. Johney, R. K., Shelry, E., & Babu, K. R. (2019, July). Enhanced Security through Cloud-Fog Integration. In 2019 International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES) (pp. 1530-1535). IEEE. [Scopus Indexed]
  18. Megha, N., Babu, K. R., & Sherly, E. (2019, July). An intelligent system for phishing attack detection and prevention. In 2019 International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES) (pp. 1577-1582). IEEE. [Scopus Indexed]
  19. Babu, K. R., & Samuel, P. (2020). Petri net model for resource scheduling with auto scaling in elastic cloud. International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations, 22(4), 462-477.. [Scopus Indexed
  20. Davis, D., Murali, R., & Babu, R. (2020). Abusive Language Detection and Characterization of Twitter Behavior. arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.14261.. [Scopus Indexed]
  21. K R Remesh Babu (2020). Intelligent Public Bus Transportation Management System. In Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Recent Trends in Engineering (IC@MACE), 2020, pp.891-895.
  22. SilpaSangeeth L R(2019). How Can Behavioral Demand Response Be Engaging”. In Workshop on Policy, Awareness, Sustainability, and Systems (PASS) 2019, held at Energy Economics Institute, theUniversity of Cologne
  23. SilpaSangeeth L R(2019). Behavioral Demand Response: A Green IS Platform to Increase Residential Energy Efficiency. Association for Information Systems India Chapter workshop held at Dept. of Management Studies, IIT Madras
  24. SilpaSangeeth L R(2019). Behavioral Demand Response: A Green IS Platform to Increase Residential Energy Efficiency”, SIGGreen Pre-ICIS 2019 Workshop held in Munich, Germany
  25. Sangeetha, U., & Babu, A. (2019). Performance analysis of IEEE 802.11 ah wireless local area network under the restricted access window-based mechanism. International Journal of Communication Systems, 32(4) [SCIE Indexed]
  26. Sangeetha, U., & Babu, A. V. (2020). Fair and efficient resource allocation in IEEE 802.11 ah WLAN with heterogeneous data rates. Computer Communications, 151, 154-164. [SCIE indexed]
  27. Thayyil, S. B., Parakkat, A. D., &Muthuganapathy, R. (2020). An input-independent single pass algorithm for reconstruction from dot patterns and boundary samples. Computer Aided Geometric Design, 80, 101879. [Scopus Indexed]
  28. Thayyil, S. B., Peethambaran, J., &Muthuganapathy, R. (2021). A sampling type discernment approach towards reconstruction of a point set in r2. Computer Aided Geometric Design, 84, 101953. [Scopus Indexed].

  1. Karthika, A. S, Suneesh, S. S., Anil Lal S, and Jayachandran, T. Numerical Simulation and Characterization of Swirl Fluid Motion through Cylindrical Chambers. Journal of Aerospace Sciences and Technologies, 2020, Vol.72, No.4, pp.218-228.
  2. Fernandes, J., Kang, S., &Mannoor, M. (2021). Numerical comparative study on the performance of open photoacoustic cells. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 35(4), 1473-1485. [SCIE Indexed]
  3. Balakrishnan, K., Devadasan, S. R., Thilak, V. M. M., &Soundaram, D. S. (2020). Leagile manufacturing paradigm in the production of jet pump-an implementation experience. International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, 30(4), 462-487. [Scopus Indexed]
  4. Santhose, M., Senthil, V., Devadasan, S. R., & Balakrishnan, K. (2021). Emergence of ISO 9001: 2015 standard and its linkage with world class manufacturing strategies. International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, 33(1), 46-56. [Scopus Indexed]
  5. Kadar, U. A., Devadasan, S. R., & Balakrishnan, K. (2019). Design of agile supply chain model for footwear industry. International Journal of Business Excellence, 17(2), 230-244. [Scopus Indexed]


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