+91 466 2260565 | principal@gecskp.ac.inGST NO:32AAAGG0757K1ZK  



1.Amal Babu, Manu.V.Nair, Sarath K S, Naseer C. TnT-CRF based Approach for POS Tagging”. In Proc. Of the NCAIET-2K15, SVNCE Mavelikara (also won the Best Paper Award)
2.Sruthi Sankar K P, Rajitha K, Naseer C. Classifying News Articles’; Headline Using Machnine Learning Approach. In Proc. National Conference on Advances in Engineering Techniques (NCAIET 2K15), at Sri Vellappally Natesan College of Engineering, Feb 20, 2015.
3.Sreerekha T V, Vidya P V, Dr. P C Reghuraj. Semantic Role Labeling Using Machine Learning Approach. In Proc. National Conference on Advances in Engineering Techniques (NCAIET 2K15), at Sri Vellappally Natesan College of Engineering, Feb 20, 2015.

Journal Publications

International Journals
1.Deepa C.A and P.C. Reghu Raj.Extractive News Summarization System using Fuzzy Graph Based Document Models. DLINE (Accepted).
2.Indhuja K and PC Reghu Raj. Fuzzy Logic Based Sentiment Analysis. Int. J. of Scientific Research.
3.Sreejith C, Sruthimol M P, and P C Reghuraj. Box Item Generation from News Articles Based Paragraph Ranking using Vector Space Model, Int.Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Applications and Management Studies ( IJSRCSAMS), Volume 3, Issue 2, March 2014
4.Christopher Augustine and and P.C. Reghu Raj. Agglomerative Sentence Clustering Approach for Discourse Segmentation. Int.Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT),Vol. 2, Issue 12, December – 2013, ISSN: 2278-0181. pp. 2005-2008.
5.Radhika K. T. and P.C. Reghu Raj. Semantic Role Extraction and General Concept Understanding in Malayalam using Paninian Grammar. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Development(IJERD).e-ISSN: 2278-067X, p-ISSN:2278-800X,www.ijerd.com, Vol.9, Issue 3, Dec 2013, PP.28-33.
6.Saani.H. and P.C.Reghu Raj. Structured Information Extraction from On-line Advertisements-A Bayesian Approach. Int.Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering (IJARCSSE), Vol.3,Issue 9, September-2013.
7.Rinju O.R., Rajeev R. R., Reghu Raj P.C., and Elizabeth Sherly. Morphological Analyzer for Malayalam: Probabilistic Method vs. Rule Based Method. Int. Journal of Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing (IJCLNLP), Vol.II Issue IX, Nov 2013.
8.Divya Das, C. Santhosh Kumar, P.C. ReghuRaj. Dysarthric Speech Enhancement using Formant Trajectory Refinement. Int.Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJLTET).ISSN: 2278-621X. Vol. 2 Issue 4 July 2013.pp. 88-92.
9.KC. Sndhu Thampatty and P.C. Reghu Raj, Adaptive RTRL Based Hybrid controller for Series Connected FACTS Devices for Damping Power System Oscillations. Communicated to Int. Journal of Electric Power Systems Research (June 2014)
10.Sreejith C and P.C. Reghu Raj:Isolated Spoken Word Identification in Malayalam using Mel-frequency Cepstral Coefficients and K-means clustering. Int.Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), India Online ISSN: 2319-7064, Vol.1 Issue 3, Dec 2012, pp.163-167.
11.Reena Nair, DR R Gopakumar and Vinuraj M. Development of a fuzzy logic based software for automation of a single pool irrigation canal. Int.Journal of Computer and Communication Technology, Volume­2 Issue­VIII,2011.
12.P. C. Reghu Raj and S Raman: A Phrase Grammar-based Conceptual Indexing Paradigm. Int.Journal of Applied Artificial Intelligence, Vol.19, No.6, July 2005 (Taylor & Francis), pp.559-599.
13.M. Saravanan, P.C. Reghu Raj and S. Raman. Summarization and Categorization of Text Data in High Level Data Cleaning for Information Retrieval. Special issue of the Int. Journal of Applied Artificial Intelligence, Vol.17, No.5-6/ May-July, 2003, (Taylor & Francis), pp. 461-474.
14.Kavitha Raju, Robert Jesuraj K, Samaj Babu George, and P. C. Reghu Raj. Information Extraction from Text through Sequence Labelling. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering , 3(4), October – 2015, pp. 1-4.

Conference Presentations:

International Conferences
1.Rekha Raj C.T, Nisha M, Reji Rehmath, and P.C. Reghu Raj. Malayalam Morphological Analysis using MBLP Approach. In Proc. thee IEEE International Conference on Softcomputing and Network Security at SNS College of Technology Coimbatore, 25-27 Feb 2015.
2.Sreetha S, Raveena R Kumar, Anagha M, and PC Reghu Raj. Fuzzy Logic Based Hybrid Approach for Sentiment Analysis of Malayalam Movie Reviews. In Proc. IEEE SPICES 2015,19-21 February 2015 at National Institute of Technology (NIT) Calicut, 19-21 Feb 2015.
3.Alen Jacob, Amal Babu, P. C. Reghu Raj. TnT Tagger with Fuzzy Rule Based Learning. In Proc. IEEE SPICES 2015,19-21 February 2015 at National Institute of Technology (NIT) Calicut, 19-21 Feb 2015.
4.Ajeesh Ramanujan, Kamala Krithivasan and Vipin Vasu A V, On Control Languages of Spiking Neural P Systems with Anti-spikes, Asian Conference on Membrane Computing, 2014.
5.Sincy V. Thambi, Sreekumar K. T, Santhosh Kumar C and P.C. Reghu Raj: Random forest algorithm for improving the performance of speech/non-speech detection. In Proc. ICCSC-2014, LBS CE Trivandrum, Dec 18-19, 2014.
6.Abitha Anto, Sreekumar K. T., Santhosh Kumar C., and P.C. Reghu Raj: Towards Improving the Performance of Language Identification System for Indian Languages. In Proc. ICCSC-2014, LBS CE Trivandrum, Dec 18-19, 2014.
7.Neethu Johnson, Kuruvachan K George, Santhosh Kumar C., and P.C. Reghu Raj : Towards improving the performance of speaker recognition systems. In Proc. ICCSC-2014, LBS CE Trivandrum, Dec 18-19, 2014.
8.Athira S, Lekshmi TS, Rajeev RR and P.C. Reghu Raj. Pronominal Anaphora Resolution using Salience Score for Malayalam. In Proc. ICCSC-2014, LBS CE Trivandrum, Dec 18-19, 2014.
9.Reshma OK. and P.C. Reghu Raj. Paragraph Ranking based on Eigen Analysis. In Proc. ICICT 2014, Kochi, Dec 2014. Ancy Antony and P.C. Reghu Raj. Pronominal Anaphora Resolution in English using a Statistical Approach. In Proc. Int. Conf. ICIS 2014, 4-5 July 2014,College of Engineering, Cherthala.
10.Sruthimol and P.C. Reghu Raj. Automatic Text Summarization Based on Eigen Analysis. In Proc. Int. Conf. ICIS 2014, 4-5 July 2014, College of Engineering, Cherthala.
11.Prajitha Urath and P.C. Reghu Raj. Domain Specific Information Extraction: A Statistical Approach. In Proc. Int. Conf. ICIS 2014, 4-5 July 2014, College of Engineering, Cherthala.
12.Prajitha U, Sreejith C and P.C. Reghu Raj. LALITHA: A Light Weight Malayalam Stemmer Using Suffix Stripping Method.Presented in the IEEE ICCC 2013, College of Engineering, Trivandrum.
13.Pragisha K. and P.C. Reghu Raj. STHREE: Stemmer for malayalam using THREE pass algorithm. Presented in the IEEE ICCC 2013, College of Engineering, Trivandrum.
14.Sreejith C, Indu M and P. C. Reghu Raj.N-gram based Algorithm for distinguishing between Hindi and Sanskrit texts. In Proc.IEEE Int.Conf.on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies-ICCCNT 2013, 4-6 July 2013, Vivekananda College of Engineering for Women, Tiruchengode, Tamil Nadu, INDIA.
15.P.C. Reghu Raj and S. Divya. News Summarization Based on Sentence Clustering and Sentence Ranking. In Proc.Int.Conf.of Mathematical Modelling in Computer, Management and Medical Sciences 2013 (ICMCMM 2013), Mar Athanasios College For Advanced Studies, Tiruvalla. June 13-15, 2013.
16.K.Najeeb, Arun A M, Robert Jesuraj, and Santhosh Kumar: Open Source Framework for Verification of Computer Architectural features using CSP. In Proc. Ont. Conf. on Embedded Systems (ICES 2010, Bangalore)
17.K.Najeeb, John Paul, and Elson Paul. GAP: Genetic Algorithm-based Power estimation technique for Behavioral Circuits. In Proc. Int. Conf. on Computers, Communications and Intelligence- ICCCI’10.
18.K.C. Sindhu Thampatty and P.C. Reghu Raj : Design and Implementation of RTRL Based Adaptive Controller for TCSC to Enhance Power System Stability. IEEE TENCON 2016, 22-24 Nov 2016, Singapore (Accepted).

National Journals

1.Nibeesh K, Indhuja K, and P. C. Reghu Raj. Text Based Language Identification using SVM. The Multidisciplinary Journal Carmelight, 11(1):1-11, 2014, ISSN 0975-9484 (published by Carmel College, Bangalore)
2.P.C. Jyothirmayi and P. C. Reghu Raj: World of Actions throughWords of Actions: The The Multidisciplinary Journal Carmelite, Vol.8(2):127-132, Nov 2011 (published by Mount Carmel College,Bangalore).

National Conferences

1.Manu Madhavan and P. C. Reghu Raj. Application of Karaka Relations in Natural Language Generation.In Proc.National Conf. on Indian Language Computing, Dept. of Computer Applications, CUSAT, (Feb 19-20, 2012).
2.Christopher Augustin and P.C. Reghu Raj. HMM Based Collocation Generation. In Proc.National Conf. on Indian Language Computing, (NCILC-2012), Dept. of Computer Applications, CUSAT, Feb19-20, 2012.
3.Divya Das, Radhika K.T, Rajeev R R, and P.C. Reghu Raj. Hybrid Sandhi Splitter for Malayalam using UNICODE. National Seminar on Natural Language Processing, Kerala University, Nov 2012.
4.Robert Jesuraj and P.C. Reghu Raj. MBLP Approach Applied to POS Tagging in Malayalam Language. National Conf. on Indian Language Computing-NCILC-2013, Dept. of Computer Applications, CUSAT, Jan 18-19, 2013.
5.Manu Madhavan, Mujeeb Rehman O, P. C. Reghu Raj. Computing Prosodic Pattern for Malayalam. in Proc. of NCILC, pp 1-4, CUSAT, Cochin, 2013. 6.Nibeesh K., Sreejith C. and P.C. Reghu Raj.Text classification for efficient news filtering using support vector machines. In Proc. of the National Technological Congress NATCON-2014, GEC Wayanad, 21-23 Feb 2014.
7.Reena Nair, Dr R Gopakumar, and Upesh M. Development of a fuzzy logic based software for automation of a multi-pool irrigation canal. In Proc. of the National Technological Conference Natcon-2013, Jan 2013.
8.Nisha M, Reji Rahmath K, and P. C. Reghu Raj. A Machine Learning Approach for Malayalam Root Word Identification. In Proc. of the Nat. Conf. on Computational Linguistics and Information Retrieval (NC CLAIR-2014), GEC Sreekrishnapuram, 29-31 Dec 2014.
9.Manu.V.Nair, Sarath K.S. and P.C. Reghu Raj. Malayalam Dialect Resolution using CRF. In Proc. of the Nat. Conf. on Computational Linguistics and Information Retrieval (NC CLAIR-2014), GEC Sreekrishnapuram, 29-31 Dec 2014.
10.Rekha Raj C.T. Sruthi Sankar K.P. and Raseek C. A Simple Approach for Monolingual Event Tracking System in Malayalam. In Proc. of the Nat. Conf. on Computational Linguistics and Information retrieval (NC CLAIR-2014), 29-31 Feb 2014, GEC Sreekrishnapuram.
11.Manu.V.Nair Sarath K S, P C Reghu Raj. Malayalam Dialect Resolution using CRF. In Proc. of the Nat. Conf. on Computational Linguistics and Information retrieval (NC CLAIR-2014), 29-31 Feb 2014, GEC Sreekrishnapuram.
12.Sreerekha T V, Vidya P V. Semantic Role Labeling. In Proc. of the Nat. Conf. on Computational Linguistics and Information retrieval (NC CLAIR-2014), 29-31 Feb 2014, GEC Sreekrishnapuram.
13.Anjaly V, and Devisree V. Character relationship extraction in Malayalam. In Proc. of the Nat. Conf. on Computational Linguistics and Information retrieval (NC CLAIR-2014), 29-31 Feb 2014, GEC Sreekrishnapuram.
14.Anagha M, Raveena R Kumar, and Sreetha K. Malayalam SentiWordnet: A Lexical Resource for Cross Domain Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining. In Proc. of the Nat. Conf. on Computational Linguistics and Information retrieval (NC CLAIR-2014), 29-31 Feb 2014, GEC Sreekrishnapuram.
15.Amal Babu, Alen Jacob, and C. Naseer. CRF-based Unknown Word Tag Prediction for Malayalam. In Proc. of the Nat. Conf. on Computational Linguistics and Information retrieval (NC CLAIR-2014), 29-31 Feb 2014, GEC Sreekrishnapuram.
16.Anagha M, Raveena R Kumar, Sreetha K, and P C Reghu Raj. Statistical Approach for Automatic Domain Based Partitioning of News Articles in Malayalam. Presented in the National Conference On Recent Advances In Engineering and Technology (nCoreTech 2015), 20-21 Jan 2015, LBS Engineering College Kasargod.
17.Alen Jacob, Amal Babu, and P. C. Reghu Raj. Fuzzy Rule based POS Tagging of Unknown Words. Presented in the National Conference On Recent Advances In Engineering and Technology (nCoreTech 2015), 20-21 Jan 2015, LBS Engineering College Kasargod.
18.Rajitha. K, Sruthi Sankar K P, and P C Reghu Raj. Word Sense Disambiguation in Malayalam Using Memory Based Approach. Presented in the National Conference On Recent Advances In Engineering and Technology (nCoreTech 2015), 20-21 Jan 2015, LBS Engineering College Kasargod.

Lecture Given

(a) Computational Linguistics and its Connection with Datascience: FDP on Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning, Vidya Academy of Science& Technology, Thrissur. 1 Sep 2016.
(b) NLP for Text Mining:Opportunities and Challenges, Faculty Development Program on Data Miningand Natural Language Processing, Amrita School of Engineering, Vallikkavu, 10 June 2016.
(c) Invitation to Computational Linguistics: TEQIP-sponsored Faculty Development Program on Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing, TKM College of Engineering, Kollam, Jan 6, 2016.
(d) Introduction to Data Science: TEQIP-sponsored Faculty Development Program on Research Directions in Data and Text Mining, Govt. Engineering College, Idukki, Jan 4, 2016.

Other activities

1.Dr. P.C. Reghuraj acted as a Reviewer in the IEEE International Conference SPICES 2015, NIT Calicut, Feb 2015.
2.Dr. Reghuraj P C acted as a Reviewer and Session Chair in the “International Conference on Embedded Systems (ICES-2014)”, Amrita Viswavidyapeetham, Coimbatore (3-5, July 2014) and also a reviewer in the Int. Conference on Information Systems, College of Engineering, Cherthala, July 4-5, 2014.
3.Dr. Ajeesh Ramanujan acted as a reviewer for the “International Conference on Unconventional Computation and Natural Computation”, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada and also acted as a reviewer for the “International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Information Science,ACCIS-14”, Kollam (26- 28, June 2014).



International Conferences

1.Bindu Palakkal and Jibukumar M.G. Parity Aided Detection of SM- MIMO Systems. In Proc. IEEE INternational Conference TENCON -2014,Bangkok, Thailand (22-25 Oct 2014).
2.Abhay Mohan M.V, Jishnu Pavithran, K Lijo Osten, Jinumon A and C. P. Mrinalini. Simulation of Spectral Match and Spatial Non-Uniformity for LED solar simulator. 2014 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference – South Asia Satellite (GHTC-SAS), 26-27 September 2014.
3.A.R. Jayan and P.C.Pandey: Detection of burst onset landmarks using rate of change of spectral moments. 17th National Conference on Communication NCC2011 , 28 – 30 Jan 2011, Bangalore.
4.Job Chungath and B. Sankarananda: Enhancing Communication System Efficiency by Wavelet Implementation. In Proc. of the Int. Conference on Communication and Signal Processing, NIT Calicut, Feb 2011.
5.Bindu (P) Palakkal: CMOS Wide Band Low Noise amplifier with current reuse and Noise cancellation. In Proc. of the International conference on Communication & signal Processing, NIT Calicut, 10-12 February 2011.

National Conferences

1.A. R. Jayan. Automated CVR modification for improving perception of stop consonants. In Proc. National conference on Communications-NCC 2012) at IIT Kharagpur, 5 Feb 2012.
2.A. R. Jayan. Fundamentals of speech signal processing. presented in Darshan 2012, a National level seminar at MEA Engineering College, Perinthalmanna, 26 March 2012.
3.C. S. Anoop. Basics of LABVIEW. Presented in Darshan 2012, a National level seminar at MEA Engineering College, Perinthalmanna, 26 March 2012.



International Journals

1.Sonu Varghese.K, Faisal K.K and Vinayachandran. K.K. Image security Using AES and f5 Algorithm. Institute of Research and Journal, IRAJ Research Forum(IRF),April 13,2014.
2.Krishnaprasad.P, Vibin PV and Vinayanchandran K.K Performance Evaluation of TCP over wireless Sensor Networks using NS-3. IRAJ Research Forum(IRF),April 13 2014.
3.V .S Sheeba, S. Swapna Kumar and M.N Nanda Kumar: Energy efficient MAC Protocol (D-MAC) for wireless sensor networks, Int.Journal of Computer Science, System Engineering and Information Technology, July-Dec 2010, PP 321-326.

International Conferences

1.Krishnaprasad.P and Vinayanchandran K.K. Automatic Headline Generation Using Context free Grammar. In Proc. of the International Conference on Information Engineering (ICIE ,2014).
2.V .S Sheeba, Kumar S.S, Kumar M.N.: Implementation of Hybrid Ad-Hoc Routing Protocol, Proc. Int. conference on Advances in Recent Technologies in Communication and Computing (ARTCOM), October 2010, PP 151-154.

National Conferences

1.INDHUJA K. and RESHMA R. SENTIMENT ANALYSIS TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES. In Proc. of the National Conference on Computational Linguistics and Information Retrieval (NC CLAIR 2014), 29-31 Dec 2014, GEC Sreekrishnapuram.



International Journals

1.Selvakumar, A. and Mohanram, P.V. :Evaluation of Effective Thermal Conductivity For Mineral Cast Structural Materials Using Steady State And Transient Methods, Journal of Testing and Evaluation, Vol.41, No.4, pp.685-691, 2013.
2.Selvakumar, A., Ganesan, K. and Mohanram, P.V.: Dynamic analysis on fabricated mineral cast lathe bed, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B:Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Vol.227, No.2, pp.261-266, 2013. doi: 10.1177/0954405412467141.
3.Selvakumar, A. and Mohanram, P.V. :Analysis of effective thermal conductivity for mineral cast material structures with varying epoxy content using TPS method. Materials Research, Print version ISSN 1516-1439, Vol.16, No.2, pp.315-321, 2013. doi. 10.1590/S1516-1439201200 5000184.
4.Selvakumar, A. and Mohanram, P.V.:Evaluation of mechanical characteristics for mineral cast materials with varying resin content., Journal of Engineering and Technology, ISSN 0976-8580, Vol.3, No.1, pp. 52-56, Jan.2013.
5.Selvakumar, A. and Mohanram, P.V.: Analysis of alternate composite material for high speed precision machine tool structures. Annals of faculty Engineering Hunedoara–International Journal of Engineering, Tome X – Fascicule 2 (ISSN 1584-2665), pp. 95-98, 2012.

National Journals

1.Selvakumar, A., Sriramprabhu, N., Yogeshkumar, M. and Mohanram, P.V.: Investigations into alternative materials for high speed precision machine tool structures with constant stiffness.
National Journal of Technology, ISSN-0973-1334, Vol.8, No.2, pp. 38-43, June 2012.

International Conferences

1.Selvakumar, A. and Mohanram, P.V. “Dynamic characteristic analysis of mineral cast lathe bed”, Proceedings of ACMFMS 2012, IIT New Delhi, pp.637-640, 2012.
2.Selvakumar, A. and Mohanram, P.V.: Analysis of alternative materials for machine tool structures. In Proc. of the International conference (ICRIT’2012), RIT Kottayam on 14, Jan. 2012.
3.A.Selvakumar and P.V.Mohanram: Dynamic characteristic analysis of mineral cast lathe bed. In Proceedings of ACMFMS 2012, IIT New Delhi, pp.637-640. A.Selvakumar and P.V.Mohanram: Analysis of alternative materials for machine tool structures. In Proc.International conference (ICRIT’2012), RIT Kottayam on 14,Jan. 2012.
4.A.Selvakumar and P.V.Mohanram: Study of characteristics of epoxy granite material for use in machine tool structures. In Proc. of International conference on Materials and Processing (ICM&P 2014), ASME & JSME, Detroit, USA, 9-13 June 2014
5.Selvakumar, A. and Mohanram, P.V.: Experimental study of dynamic characteristics of fabricated mineral cast lathe bed. Poster presented in the Indo-Japanese Asian Academic Seminar 2012, held at IIT Bombay, Mumbai from 03-12-2012 to 07-12-2012.

National Conferences

1.Selvakumar, A. and Mohanram, P.V.: Fabrication and analysis of dynamic characteristics for mineral cast structures. 28th National convention of institution of mechanical engineers, Emerging technologies in product development for safe and sustainable mobility, PSGCT, pp. A.75-A.79, Sep.3-5, 2012.
2.Selvakumar, A., Mahendrakumar, N. and Mohanram, P.V.: Study of structural materials. 28th National convention of institution of mechanical engineers, Emerging technologies in product development for safe and sustainable mobility, PSGCT, pp. A.80-A.84, Sep.3-5, 2012.
3.Selvakumar, A., Ramesh Babu, Ganesan, K. and Mohanram, P.V.: Design and fabrication of machine tool structure with advanced composite materials. Fifth National conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering (ETME-12) , SACET Trichy, 16 May 2012.
4.A Selvakumar and P.V.Mohanram: Dynamic vibration analysis of a printed circuit board subjected to combined vibration environment. National conference held at PSG College of Technology, March 2011.
5.A Selvakumar, Yogesh kumar, P.R.Thyla and P.V.Mohanram: Determination of thermal transport properties for two phase material. National conference at PSG College of Technology, April 2012.
6.A Selvakumar, N.Sriram Prabhu, P.R.Thyla and P.V.Mohanram: Design and study of mechanical characteristics of alternative material for machine tool structures, National conference at PSG College of Technology, April 2012.