International Journals: 1. Sam Joshy, K. R. Jayadevan., Ramesh A., Mahipal D., (2019), “Influence of in-service thermal softening on wear and plastic deformation in remanufactured hot forging dies”, Engineering Research Express (accepted for publication) 2. Sam Joshy, K. R. Jayadevan., Ramesh A., Mahipal D., (2019), “Influence of loading conditions on wear behaviour of H11 tool steel”, World journal of Engineering , Volume 16, No 5, pp 614-624 ( 3. Sam Joshy, K. R. Jayadevan., Ramesh A., Mahipal D., (2019), “Microstructural evolution and microhardness response of H11 hot forging dies”, World journal of Engineering , Volume 16, No 5, pp 573-581 ( 4. Sijo M. T., K. R. Jayadevan, Sheeja Janardhanan, (2018). "Simulation of mushy state solidification in stir casting", World Journal of Engineering, 15 (1), pp.156-165. 5. Sijo M. T., K. R. Jayadevan, Sheeja Janardhanan, (2017). "Numerical simulation of centrifugal casting for functionally graded metal-matrix composites”, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), 8(4), April 2017, pp. 66–74 6. Renjith, VB; Mathew Baby, Jayadevan, KR;, (2013). “Influence of process parameters on cutting forces and Taguchi based prediction of T42-CT H.S.S single point cutting tool deflection”, International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 3, 7. 7. K. R. Jayadevan, E. Berg, C. Thaulow, E. Østby, B. Skallerud (2006). “Numerical investigation of ductile tearing in surface cracked pipes using line-springs”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 43, 2378-2397. 8. B. Skallerud, E. Berg, K. R. Jayadevan (2006). “Two-parameter fracture assessment of surface cracked cylindrical shells during collapse”, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 73, pp. 264-282. 9. E. Østby, K. R. Jayadevan, C. Thaulow (2005). “Fracture response of pipelines subjected to large plastic deformation under bending”, International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 82, 201-215. 10. K. R. Jayadevan, C. Thaulow, E. Østby, E. Berg, B. Skallerud, K. Holthe, B. Nyhus (2005). “Structural integrity of pipelines: T-stress by line-spring”, Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, 28, 467-488. 11. K. R. Jayadevan, E. Østby, C. Thaulow (2004). “Fracture response of pipelines subject to large plastic deformation under tension”, International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 81, pp. 771-783. 12. K. R. Jayadevan, R. Narasimhan, T. S. Ramamurthy, B. Dattaguru, (2003). “Effect of T-stress on crack tip fields and fracture toughness during steady-state dynamic crack growth”, Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, 26, pp. 647-660. 13. K. R. Jayadevan, R. Narasimhan, T. S. Ramamurthy, B. Dattaguru, (2002). “Effects of T-stress and loading rate on crack initiation in rate sensitive plastic materials”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 39 (7), pp. 1757-1775. 14. K. R. Jayadevan, R. Narasimhan, T. S. Ramamurthy, B. Dattaguru, (2002). “Constraint loss under dynamic loading in rate independent plastic solids”, International Journal of Fracture, 116 (2), pp. 141-160. 15. K. R. Jayadevan, (2002). “Critical stress intensity factors for cracked hollow pipes under transient thermal loads”, Journal of Thermal Stresses, 25(10), pp. 951-968. 16. K. R. Jayadevan, R. Narasimhan, T. S. Ramamurthy, Dattaguru (2001). “A numerical study of T-stress in dynamically loaded fracture specimens”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 38 (28/29), pp. 4987-5005. 17. K. R. Jayadevan, R. Narasimhan, (1995). “Finite element simulation of wedge indentation”, Computers and Structures, 57 (5), pp. 915-927. International Conferences: 18. Sijo M T and K R Jayadevan, (2017). “Characterization of Stir Cast Aluminium Silicon Carbide Metal Matrix Composite” is presented in IConAMMA 2017, Amrita university Bangalore. 19. Vishnu Prasad K, K. R. Jayadevan., (2016), “On numerical simulation of stirring in stir casting process”, Proc. of Int. Conf. On Nanotechnology for Better Living 2016, Editors K K Shah and R Sharma, 3(1), p296. 20. Sijo M T, K. R. Jayadevan (2015). “Analysis of stir cast aluminium silicon carbide metal matrix composite: A comprehensive review”, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Science and Technology (ICETEST-2015), Published in Procedia Technology 24 ( 2016 ) 379 – 385. 21. B. Skallerud, K.R. Jayadevan, C. Thaulow, E. Berg, K. Holthe (2015), “Efficient 2-parameter fracture assessments of cracked shell structures”, ECF15. 22. Meinam Annebushan Singh, Jayadevan K. R., (2014) “Experimental and numerical studies on thermal conductivity of copper particulate filled cpolymer composites”, International colloquium on Materials ICMMM-2014, Aug 8-9, 2014, Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai. 23. Mathew Baby, K. R. Jayadevan., (2013) “Finite element modelling of sliding contact wear in alumnium”, Procedings of Third International Conference on Materials for the Future, ICMF 2013, November 6-8, 2013, Govt. Engineering College Trichur, Kerala. 24. Renjith V. B., K. R. Jayadevan, (2013) “Experimental measurement of cutting forces and Taguchi based prediction of T 42 – CT H.S.S. Single point cutting tool deflection”, Procedings of Third International Conference on Materials for the Future, ICMF 2013, November 6-8, 2013, Govt. Engineering College Trichur, Kerala 25. C. S. Sumesh, K. R. Jayadevan (2008). “Uncertainty in material properties: A serious concern for weldments”. International Conference on Materials for the Future, Jan 17-19, Thrissur, India. 26. Thaulow, C; Jayadevan, KR; Skallerud, B; Holthe, K; Berg, B; Østby, B; Nyhus, B; Jack, A O; (2006) “Fracture control of pipelines using link-pipe from rule based design to direct calculations” In the Proceedings of HSLP-IA2006:International seminar on Application of High Strength Line Pipe And Integrity Assessment of Pipeline 2006 June 15-16, 2006, Xi’an, China. 27. C. Thaulow, B. Skallerud, K. R. Jayadevan, E. Berg (2005). “Fracture Control Offshore Pipelines –Advantages of using direct calculations in fracture assessment of pipelines”. 24th International Conference on OMAE, June 12-17, Halkidiki, Greece. 28. K. R. Jayadevan, E. Østby, C. Thaulow (2004). “Strain-based fracture mechanics analysis of pipelines”, Proc. of Int. Conf. on Advances in Structural Integrity, July 14-17, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. 29. C. Thaulow, K. R. Jayadevan, B. Skallerud, K. Holthe, E. Berg, E. Østby, B. Nyhus (2004). “Advances in computational procedures for the structural integrity of pipelines”, Proc. of Int. Conf. on Advances in Structural Integrity, July 14-17, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. 30. B. Skallerud, K. R. Jayadevan, C. Thaulow, E. Berg, K. Holthe (2004). “Efficient 2-parameter fracture assessments of cracked shell structures”, Proc. of the 15th European conference of fracture (ECF 15), Aug. 11-13, Stockholm, Sweden. 31. K. R. Jayadevan, T. S. Ramamurthy, B. Dattaguru, R. Narasimhan, (2002). ”Accurate computation of dynamic T-stress using a domain form of interaction integral”, in the Proc. of 14th US National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA. 32. K. R. Jayadevan, T. S. Ramamurthy, B. Dattaguru, R. Narasimhan, (2002). “SIF's for axisymmetric cracks under mixed-mode loading”, in the Proc. of 43rd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS Structures, structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, Denver, Colorodo, USA. 33. K. R. Jayadevan, B. Dattaguru, T. S. Ramamurthy, R.Narasimhan, (2000) “Dynamic effects on SIF for SEN specimens”, In the Proceedings of VETOMAC-I (Vibration Engineering and Technology of Machinery), Bangalore, India. National Conferences: 34. Meinam Annebushan Singh, K. R. Jayadevan, (2014) “Enhancing the thermal conductivity of polymer composite using copper particulates”, National conference on Latest trends in Mechanical Enineering NCLTME-2014, March 25-27, 2014, NSS College of Engineering Palakkad, Kerala. 35. Renjith, VB, K. R. Jayadevan, (2013) “Bending and Wear analysis of cryogenically treated and untreated T-42 HSS single point cutting tools”, National conference of Emerging trends in Enineering, 19 Jan 2013, MET’s School of Engineering Mala, Thrissur. |
International Journals: 1. K. Balakrishnan, S.R. Devadasan., R. Murugesh, (2019), Design of a model for implementing leagile manufacturing paradigm in the pump industry;, Int. J. Management Practice, Vol. 12, No. 3, 2019 2. U. Abdul Kadar, S.R. Devadasan., K. Balakrishnan, (2019), Design of agile supply chain model for footwear industry;, Int. J. Business Excellence, Vol. 17, No. 2, 2019 3. K. Balakrishnan, S.R. Devadasan., V.M.M. Thilak, D. Selvi Soundaram (2019), Leagile manufacturing paradigm in the production of jet pump – an implementation experience;, Int. J. Productivity and Quality Management, Vol. X, No. Y, xxxx 4. K. Balakrishnan, S.R. Devadasan., R. Murugesh, (2018), Design of leagile manufacturing system in a traditional pump manufacturing company;, Int. J. Business Innovation and Research, Vol. 17, No. 4, 2018 |
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