Some repairs works of equipments and machines were also done in the gymnasium to enhance the use of facilities. A concrete Pitch with practice nets for Cricket and a multipurpose Indoor Stadium with facilities to practice Badminton, Table Tennis, Volleyball and Basketball are also recommended for improvement of sports infra structure of this college. The Department has purchased various equipments for Football, Cricket, Hockey, Archery, Table Tennis, Weight Training and Shuttle Badminton in the year 2017-18 and proposal have been submitted for purchase of fitness equipments for about 250000/-. These items contributed a lot for increase in sports participation among the students.
Our department would like to construct a cricket pitch with nets for the practice of cricket without hindering other games. We would also like to extend our team participation in intercollegiate tournaments in other games. Coaching camps with help of coaches in respective fields in different games have been planned for improving the techniques and tactics of different games. The service of the General Captain Sri. Mohammed Minhaj need special reference in coordinating the activities of the department. Let me also express my sincere gratitude to the Principal, Members of the PTA, Members of the College Union, the staff and the Students of this institution for the support and help extended to this department during the year 2017-18.